Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Why Have We Dropped Our Rocks?!?!

    Every Tuesday night is corporate prayer at the church that my husband and I Pastor, Impact Christian Center. I always ask God to show me the state of my church, my city, my nation etc. so that I know what to pray for. Tonight as the Lord begin to reveal things to me, He showed me something very disturbing. What I saw was a vision of David standing before Goliath. Now we all know that David defeated Goliath the giant with a sling shot and some rocks. But in this particular vision David had no rocks at all in his hand but still was looking and standing before Goliath.
    After praying for revelation, what was revealed to me was that a great deal of us see our giant before us, but we've put down our rocks. We know what it takes to defeat our giants, but we refuse to utilize our weapons. These giants range from finances, to people, to our jobs, to our bills and our weapon is speaking the Word of GOD over these situations and standing on that Word. My question is, why have we stopped using our weapon? Why have we dropped our rocks? Or did we ever have them? Maybe we have dressed it up in a pretty outfit to make it look like we knew how to fight and were in a victorious place and now the real truth is coming to the light......
    It baffles me how we put on these facades like we have it all together and that our giants are beneath us and defeated when all along all we've done is redirected others to look in a different and clear direction away from it. We quote all the right scriptures at the right time and even pray for others to come out of their dark places when we only have a temporary candle being held over our own head that gets blown out as soon as we're out of others sight.
    You know what caused David to be triumphant? It wasn't his technique, his rocks or even his strength. But it was his belief and his faith in the God that He served having his back and not leaving him not forsaking him. That the promises with his name on it were truly his. If you don't believe or have faith, you basically have nothing. You can have as many rocks, stones or even boulders in your hands that you want to have, but without faith you have absolutely nothing. Why keep up the facades? Why try so hard to trick people into believing that you're so put together and have everything under control when the reality is that your a hot mess, living in a pit being devoured and overtaken daily. 
    It's time that we take off the mask and be real with ourselves. Like I've heard someone say before, "You can fool people all the time, but God none of the time". And He's the one that really and truly matters. He knows the state of your heart. He knows all your weaknesses, but the good thing about that is that He wants you to win always and forever. You'resupposed to win. He won't talk about you behind your back nor will He leave you in your time of weakness or distress. He truly has your back like none other.
    So it's time to pick up your rocks. You can't throw a rock that your not first holding in your hand. What do you have to lose? Nothing!!! But you have everything to gain. Just believe and get into position. With the God you serve, you're going to win. No doubt about it.
Unapologetic is me, L.

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