Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I'll Clap For Me

Too many times we are looking around to see who is clapping for us because we feel that need to be validated by others. Then when we notice the two or three that isn't clapping, we get down and out negating the 20 or 30 that are. Why? 2 reasons.
1.)  Because no matter how much positivity is in the room, negativity always seem to drown out the noise positivity makes.
2.) We are inherently trained to focus on the negativity.
My question is, what would happen if we began to clap like a crazy woman for ourselves? I'll tell you what would happen. If we become so enamored with clapping for ourselves, we wouldn't care or have to time to look around to see who else is or is not clapping. It wouldn't even matter because clapping would keep your head in a forward position and it's hard to look around while doing it. Try it. Began clapping like crazy for yourself and see how hard it is to look around at the same time without falling, stumbling or hurting your neck. Start today being your own cheerleader. Tooting your own horn. Patting yourself on the back. Clapping for your darn self because no one will support you like you will. But the crazy thing is, when people see you clapping and cheering for yourself, they will begin to jump on board with you. But start a clap epidemic for yourself and be unapologetic about it. You deserve to be celebrated but it starts and ends with you. And if you're the only one at your celebration, at least you won't have to worry about nobody coming in and bringing your mood down. 💜💜💜 L.

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