Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Things Will Work In My Favor 💜💜💜

     This morning, as I watched a video of a young man singing these very words out of trying to pull himself out of a depressing place (a pit) because he woke up feeling like he wasn't doing his part to add value to this world, I sat and thought "How many of us are actually in this same place but suffering and crying out in silence?" How many of us have sat and cried because we felt, or feel, that we just didn't have what it takes to be a contributor to society? How many people have taken their own lives because they felt worthless, useless and that the world would be a better place without them? Well I just want to encourage you this morning that " THINGS WILL WORK IN YOUR FAVOR. YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE". Life is everything that we make it. It is up when we are up. It is down when we are down. But we have to continue to believe that GOD is moving on our behalf and that He is working it out just for us at all times. You are never useless. You are never worthless. You are never not necessary. You add plenty value to this world and this world would not be a better place if you weren't in it. Whatever situation you may be facing at this moment, don't turn your back to it and run. Face it and tell it with power in your voice and heart that "THINGS WILL WORK IN MY FAVOR! I BELIEVE IT!" GOD bless this young man and every one who may be having a moment where we have to pull ourselves out of the pit that we've placed ourselves in. But please remember, it is a moment and moment's pass. Do not make permanent decisions based off of temporary feelings. This too shall pass. It has to. Have a GREAT and favor working day today. Just believe. 💜
Do you or another woman you know of have an #AMAZING accomplishment that the world should be celebrating? Maybe they #Graduated? Wrote a #book? Gave #birth? A #birthday? Started or run a #business? Received a #promotion? Got #engaged or #married? Etc. Let #AliveAndWorthy know! Inbox us a photo of the individual along with their accomplishment and let us celebrate them along with you because that's what we do! 💜💜💜
#CelebratingWomen #CelebratingLife  #Empowerment #Encouragement #Enlightenment #Motivation #Support #SupportingWomen #GirlPower

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