About L.

    Hello To You My Friends And Welcome!

     Let me take a moment to tell you a bit about me. I am a tattoo loving, multiple piercing having, Pastor, wife, mother, college graduate (3 times over), therapist, published author,  entrepreneur, Executive Director of a 501c3 non profit organization, U.S. Air Force vet. and extreme follower and lover of GOD and myself. Oh yeah, did I mention prayer gladiator too! I'm different than most, but He called me and I'm unashamed of who I am. I'm a difference maker. God can and will use whomever He may and I am so delighted and glad that He chose me. 

        Know that labels and titles don't make me, GOD does. These are my reflections, inspirations and meditations. All from an unashamed, unembarrassed and unbothered woman of GOD. I've been through the fire, have been tested and tried, and still I stand. Unapologetic is me, just the way I was created to be.  His opinion and His pleasure with my works is all that matters to me. Again thank you for visiting and please feel free to leave your comments. Blessings to you, L.