Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tattoos: Appropriate or Nah?

   Ok, so as I stated in my profile description, I am a multiple piercing having (even though they are all on my ears lol) tattoo loving Pastor. But this post is about tattoos. To date I have 6 with future plans for more (Yep, I said it). There is and has always been a HUGE debate in the Christian community as to whether tattoos are appropriate or not. I know what the bible says about the "body is a temple of the Holy Spirit" and to "honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and even Leviticus 19:28 "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord." (NKJV). I understand what people are saying and all the points. But my point is, don't make us (us tattoo lovers) feel like we broke a commandment and are going to hell for it. I believe that I serve a gracious, loving and forgiving God. The same God that "blots out your sins...... and remembers them no more" (Isaiah 43:25), does the same for me. We need to stop trying to use the bible to make people feel bad about their choices in life. Yes, we are to help our brothers and sisters if we see them stumbling, but no where does God give us the authority to judge one another. One thing my husband says all the time is that we are not allowed to give our OPINIONS, no matter how strong we feel about them,, but the Word and the Word alone.
    I believe tattoos are art. Only one if my tattoos are distasteful to me and embodied how I felt as a person in that time, but I got it at the age of 18. All the rest of them are just fine with me. Everybody expresses themselves in different ways. Next to writing, tattoos are my expression and I see nothing wrong with the way that I choose to express myself. Everybody else can kick rocks with flip flops..... Oh my bad, that is not the "Christian" thing to say. How about, you can take it up with Jesus........ Ok, back to my writing.
   The scripture Leviticus 19:28 actually refers to the bodies being cut in death preparations with pagan symbols. God had already stated that He is to be THE ONLY God that is to be worshipped in any form and prohibited such other worship even in death. None of the tattoos on my body are in worship to a god other than THE God that I have always served, worshipped, studied and preached about. Again, they are MY EXPRESSION of art.  
   The culture that we live in today is so different, have so much going on and there are WAY to many other things that are so much more important and needs our attention than this. The bible also talks about subjects such as women keeping their heads covered and not having sex with family members (incest) or chickens/horses/cows/goats (beastiality, you get it). But I don't see all women with head coverings and not all our animals are safe :( (so sad to say). My tattoos on my exterior have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit in my interior. The Holy Spirit in me with my tattoos is just as alive and strong as the me that would have had no tattoos. I believe that as long as we stay tasteful and dare not defame Him or worship other gods, we are okay. In no shape, form or fashion am I trying to play on God's grace, but I do believe that if my interpretation is wrong, He will forgive me. But tattoos are not my conviction. They may be yours, but please stop condemning others because it is. I make all my decisions these days with my eyes and heart on God. Before you judge the next person, please do the same because "....the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7) and my heart is good.
   So appropriate or nah? What's good for the goose is not good for the gander in this instance.To me it's a matter of opinion, personal interpretation and conviction level.  But I'm good with my decision.
Unapologetic is me, L.

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