Friday, March 13, 2015

Pastors in the Pool Hall

    Before my hubby and I became Pastors', one of our favorite pastimes was going to shoot pool at the local Pool Hall of whatever city we were living in. It was never a problem to go in, get a table, have a drink or two and just have fun. We loved doing this. Again, this was before we became Pastors, shoot even before kids. But now since we have the infamous "Pastor" stamp on our foreheads, it kind of bugged me in some sort of way to step into a pool hall. But get this, it isn't the position that is the hindrance, it was the fear of what people may say if they saw us coming in, going out, or maybe even just passing by and seeing our car parked in front of it. Isn't it something that people's opinions stops us from doing some of the very things that we love? Even if it is innocent. I have ran across people that once they have formulated in their head what they think is going on, that is exactly what it is and they run with it. All the facts in the world could point to something different, but because they want to see it "this" way, they do. Because of this very thing, we have become slaves to Christianity and have limited ourselves and been reduced to being boring old fogies who do nothing but go to church, work and sit at home watching reruns. (Huge Sigh)
     Back to the pool hall. Typically, people associate the pool hall with loud worldly music, drinking, smoking and possible fighting. It's one step away from going to the club. It's just a smoke filled room with drunk people laying across a pool table trying to use a long stick and push 9 balls in 6 holes with long cigarettes hanging off of their lip while a group of people hover in a corner, all with beers in their hands, awaiting their turn to fondle those same sticks and balls while talking an immense amount of trash. Am I right? But this is not always the case. Some people go to just have an intimate time with their mate and do something different and out of the ordinary (hand raised)(both hands raised).
     My hubby had been asking me for the past couple of months to go with him to a pool hall. We were in the parking lot of one one time and I got cold feet and said "Hurry up and get us out of here before somebody sees us". It was so pitiful and sad now that I think about it. And because my hubby respects me so much, he just quietly turned the car away from the pool hall trying to mask his puppy dog sad face. (It was so sad :(). Tonight I decided that I no longer wanted to be a slave to what people might conjure up in their head, say or think and I broke the chains off. I am a GROWN WOMAN and I know who I serve. Just because one is in the place, does not mean that they partake of what is offered or what others may be doing. Some people do far more crazy stuff in their house privately then what my hubby and I were wanting to do inside this pool hall. But that is another story for another time honey child. 
     I have come to the point where I have realized that if people want to say that you are doing something, they will figure out a way to say it. It is time that we break these chains and stop allowing people to have that mind control over us (You know like Debo in Friday). I take the Spirit of the Lord with me wherever I go and I pray for the Lord to convict me when I am even thinking wrong. But we all have to realize that we don't walk around with the same convictions nor temptations either. Some people cannot be around alcohol period while others can be around it and not even know it or be tempted to want to have a drink. It's all about your convictions and how strong you are to contain and control yourself from falling short........ But we ALL FALL SHORT. None of us are perfect. I find that those who spend the most time condemning others are the ones with the biggest sins that they are carrying. They just want somebody else to feel as bad as they do when all they need to do is truly repent and be set free themselves.......... or just stop being controlling (shoulder shrug). 
    But not I. Not any more. I know my limitations, I know my temptations and I know my weaknesses. If my hubby and I want to go shoot pool, we can go and do that. Prayerfully we will have one in our own home one day and that will be the end of this (fingers crossed.... and toes and eyes) (But only because I can't STAND cigarette smoke. What? I'm asthmatic). But no longer should we allow others, or even ourselves, to convict us when we know that we are innocent in what we are doing. If people want to let their imaginations run wild, let them. God and I have an understanding and that is all that matters. You better get you some understanding with Him. Now you WILL NOT catch me at the club, but YOU MAY catch me at the pool hall. (Until I get my pool table that is.) ;)
Unapologetic is me, L. 

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