Sunday, March 8, 2015


    So, I just realized that in a few days I will officially be the parent of a............ (I'm almost afraid to say the word)... teenager. OH GAWD, that was so hard. They say what you did to your parents come back on you 10 times harder. For the most part I believe I was a good kid........ I think. I may need to call my mom again.
    I had my moments just like every other teen. Especially when I discovered boys. (Insert ick face). I was soooooo in love. I thought "Jody" was the one and my mom was just so mean. I understand now what she meant back then, but now I have to teach my kids "what I mean". Lol. Luckily, I have my awesome hubby and we can go through this TOGETHER! TAG TEAM!!!!
    But yes, my son is going to be 13. Am I excited?....... yes and no. Ok, yes because it is interesting to see how I develop and mature over the years as he develops and matures. I was 19 and in the military when I had him, still sort of a baby myself. I have to admit that I may not have made some of the smartest choices in raising him but I did, and do, what I know to do. I was (am, to be honest) super tough on him. I just want him to be a good and disciplined man, but in some of my toughness I notice how I may have broken his confidence a little. :( SO I find myself now having to help rebuild those broken places without completely taking it easy on him because I still want him to know that there are rules and consequences in this world. But I am absolutely interested to see what kind of man he becomes. He is very polite and giving (which I'm trying to teach him to use discernment in that area). But in my opinion he is a good kid and I really am excited to see the man that he becomes.
    Ok, no because he is the oldest of 3 and my youngest son follows him to the "T", but he is totally oblivious to it. So I am afraid to see what little fads or little habits that my son picks up and bring into my house. And plus he is my first born, my first baby. He was my only child for 5 1/2 years. He did my military term with me. He's my big baby.
     But I hear with these teenage years comes attitude and girls. I'm so not ready for that. The attitude will get him into hot water and so can the girls. I'M JUST NOT READY! :(  But I know there is nothing that I can do about it. Soon he'll be graduating, moving out and starting life on his own. All I can do is pray that I am doing the absolute best that I can as a parent to instill Godly principles and wisdom into him. I want him to be a productive and responsible man in this world. I don't want to have a menace to society as a son. I also pray that with all these recent killings going on of young black men, that he not be statistic or a notch in someones racist belt. (SIGH) A mother can only hope and pray. But I know I have to do my job in raising him. He is very respectful and polite and prayerfully this leads him in the direction of good and right. I know once he leaves my house I can only hope that the work that I and my husband have done is good enough. I know that we are all one bad decision away from being poor, broke, homeless or dead. So I pray extra hard over my children and my husband and myself to do and be our absolute best and to maximize our potential for good.
    So yes, I am about to be the lucky parent of my very first teenager. One of three to be exact. At least when my second becomes a teenager, this one will be out of my house.......... or almost out. Lol. I have to admit, I feel that these next few years are going to be....... interesting to say the least. I just pray that God gives my husband and I the wisdom and discernment to do a great job and raise an asset and not a menace to society. Welp, I can't avoid or dodge it, so READY, SET, GO!!! Wish me luck and if you have ANY productive or helpful advice, PLEASE feel free leave it in the comment section. If not, just pray for me. Lol. Thanks in advance.
Unapologetic is me, L.

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