Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I can't?!?! YES YOU CAN!!!

      "I can't" is a tiny phrase that packs more weight in it than five elephants trying to fit on a tiny bathroom scale. It's amazing how so many people use this phrase to describe their abilities and possibilities. Philippians 4:13 reminds us that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". So when people say I can't it leads me to believe that in that area of their life, that they don't believe or have faith that Christ can or will work through them. While I was praying about this, the Holy Spirit told me that:
"I can't is a limitation set by the enemy to stop you from:
1. Achieving your best you
2. Going to the next level and
3. Walking in abundance and overflow."
      GOD never said any where in His Word that He has limited us and there were only certain things that we could do. He never said that there was a ceiling or a cap on us. So in the instances when an I can't tries to creep on in, we have to truly stand on "greater is He that is in me then he that is in this world" (1 John 4:4). I can't is a spirit that the enemy has conjured in an attempt to hinder us. The enemy's plan is to make this I can't spirit so strong that none of GOD'S children reach the max potential and greatness that He has placed within each and every one of us. His agenda is to continue to fill the graveyards with treasures.
      Only we can change that. How do we do it? By changing the way we think, speak and act. When an I can't thought comes into our mind, we must "take every thought into captivity" (2 Corinthians 10:5). If an I can't so happens to come out of our mouth, we must remember that "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit" (Proverbs 18:21). And also that "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven" (Matthew 18:18, 16:19). So remember that you get the fruit of what you speak but you have the power to cast it down and bind it up if you choose. Key phrase "if you choose".........
      The Holy Spirit also showed me this. That I can't usually come from us comparing ourselves to somebody else or just plain laziness.......... Oh, did I strike a nerve? Well good. Stop comparing yourself to other people. We were not created to be or do just like someone else. GOD created each and every one of us different to accommodate all the differing personalities in this world. So the way that you do it is just fine for the people you are supposed to reach. Do it your way and your way alone. Oh and the laziness...... Yeah. Laziness won't get you anywhere anytime soon. And if you don't come out of it, I can't is just for you. Better yet, the enemy doesn't have to even try with a lazy person. You do the work for him. That's just all I can say about that.
     We have to get out of this I can't mindset. We must not allow this foul and demonic to consume us. We must reduce the punch that it packs by slowly but surely removing it from our vocabulary. From this day forward, constantly say in your Spirit, yes I can. Replace can't with can in your heart, in your mind and in your vocabulary and watch how your life, your confidence, your favor, your influence, watch how it all turns around, God is not the author of confusion and He's definitely not the author of I can't. Yes you can, yes you will and today should be the day that you must.
Unapologetic is me, L.

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