Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Prayer To Walk In Love

   Dear Heavenly and gracious Father,
because You loved me first and I have discovers this love for myself, I am ready and able to love the people that you have placed around me. I pray that my love would increase more and more in knowledge, discernment and understanding. Help me to walk out Ephesians 5:2 in my daily life. To "Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God." Help me to seek You steadily so I am never out of love to give, but constantly filled with an overflow that spills out onto others. Teach me about the beauty of Your sacrifice so I can be encouraged to give of myself and help me to take an interest in others so I can be a more effective servant to You. I pray that I would always remember the Source of my love and give You all the glory. Thank you Lord for loving me the way that you do. Even when I feel that I don't deserve it. I am happy to love others because of Your undieing and never changing Agape love and compassion for me. You deserve my praise and my worship. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Unapologetic is me, L.

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