Sunday, October 25, 2015


     I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS HASHTAG!! Created by moi of course! Positivity is something that we are falling short with in our society. Today everywhere we turn, negativity is being spread and actually condoned as a symbol of power. It's as if to say the more negative you are, the cooler and stronger you are. This is absolutely wrong. It takes nothing to be negative. Being negative is easy, but nobody wants to here that stronger people are positive people. But if you actually thought about it, it reigns true. It takes self control, patience, willingness and whole bunch of other added virtues in order to be positive and remain positive with everything that is going on around us. My choice is to be more positive. I feel better being positive. Being negative weighs down on a person. On ones mind, heart and soul. It takes a lot out of a person to be negative. I read that it takes 17 muscles to smile and 42 to frown. Those numbers alone show how much more difficult it is to be negative over being positive. So why do it? Release the anger, release the hurt, release the control of situations and people that you cannot control. Trying to do these things will only cause you a great deal of stress and strife and anger which will lead to added and unnecessary negativity in your life. So try today being more positive. Start today.
Unapologetic is me, L.  

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