Sunday, October 25, 2015


     I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS HASHTAG!! Created by moi of course! Positivity is something that we are falling short with in our society. Today everywhere we turn, negativity is being spread and actually condoned as a symbol of power. It's as if to say the more negative you are, the cooler and stronger you are. This is absolutely wrong. It takes nothing to be negative. Being negative is easy, but nobody wants to here that stronger people are positive people. But if you actually thought about it, it reigns true. It takes self control, patience, willingness and whole bunch of other added virtues in order to be positive and remain positive with everything that is going on around us. My choice is to be more positive. I feel better being positive. Being negative weighs down on a person. On ones mind, heart and soul. It takes a lot out of a person to be negative. I read that it takes 17 muscles to smile and 42 to frown. Those numbers alone show how much more difficult it is to be negative over being positive. So why do it? Release the anger, release the hurt, release the control of situations and people that you cannot control. Trying to do these things will only cause you a great deal of stress and strife and anger which will lead to added and unnecessary negativity in your life. So try today being more positive. Start today.
Unapologetic is me, L.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


   I read that it takes only 17 muscles to smile. On the flip side, it takes 43 muscles to frown. You utilize more muscles and exert more energy by frowning than you do smiling. That fact alone makes me want to smile as much as I can. So JUST SMILE! Smile as much as you can as often as you can. Smiling makes us look prettiest and confident in ourselves. Not only that, it can help boost others. They say that smiles are contagious. So why not help someone else catch smile fever. We could help make the world a better place one smile at a time. So JUST SMILE.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Forever Grateful

grateful: feeling or appreciation of kindness; thankful    
    In my life time, I have had my fair share of unpleasurable situations. Some I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. But going through, coming out and knowing what could have been has led me to a place of pure gratefulness. If I were to sit here and tell you everything that I have been through in my short 34 years of life, we would be here all night. .....literally. Today I can truly say that I am grateful for a few things. I'm grateful for life, GOD's saving grace and a loving and supportive husband just to name a couple. 
    Both Acts 10:34 and Romans 2:11 tell us that GOD is no respecter of person. So what made Him prolong my life, but take my friend Tasha in the 9th grade? Or my friend Olympia 5 ago while having a routine day surgery that had been done on millions of people? Or my friend Natasha 3 years ago who killed herself and her unborn baby girl a couple of days before Thanksgiving? 
    I would be lying if I told you that being grateful just came to me. No not at all. I had to learn how to be grateful. At one point I felt that GOD had to be nice and do what He did for others for me. I played on His grace just like a lot of other people in this life. It was not until my good good friends and family members went through things that they didn't come out of along with my own trials that almost took my life. My hubby and I say that some people just get it, and some are extremist and have to learn the hard way. For a minute I was an extremist and boy did GOD let me have it. But by His grace, and with my hubby by my side every step of the way, I finally got it. And now that I got it, I'm never letting it go. I thank GOD for saving and keeping me. I love Him all the more for sparing my life time and time again. Times that I know of and some I don't. But I'm grateful for them all. He deserves glory, honor and praise for what He's done for me. And I make sure to give Him just that and more. I appreciate Him. I appreciate being able to see my kids get older. I appreciate the chance to grow older and wiser with my hubby. To continue to help grow our ministry. I'm thankful for it all. GOD will forever get the glory and I will continue to be grateful to Him and Him alone. No one else deserves the glory but Him.  No one. 
Unapologetic is me, L.