Saturday, April 4, 2015

Psalms 37:4

    One of my favorite scriptures is "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalms 37:4). Many people ask me how I am able to do all the things that I do, go through what I go through and still remain sane. I tell them, standing on this scripture is how.
    Let's see, I'm a child of GOD first and foremost, a wife, a mother of 3, I Pastor a church alongside my husband, a college grad desiring to finish my Master's degree in Addictions Counseling, half owner and operator of an Events Planning business, a wedding coordinator, a decorator, a dance teacher, a counselor, a writer, the admin and bookkeeper for my church and so much more. On top of that I was diagnosed with Chron's disease which has warranted so many hospital stays and two surgeries to have part of my bowls and intestines removed. I suffer on a daily but I still manage to keep a smile on my face and continue to do everything that I need to do. I can't afford to stop and this passage of scripture, along with others, keep me motivated to keep going.
    I was not raised in church, so being a Pastor is not what I thought I would be doing as an adult. But the Faith that I gained before being diagnosed formally and going through everything that I have gone through in the past couple of years have made me able to keep on pushing. The average person couldn't handle my load and it's only by God's grace that I have. I found this scripture while on one of many hospital stays in Japan when doctors had given up on me. It spoke to me then and is still speaking to me today. I was only a mother of 1 at the time, but had I given up then when they gave up on me, my last two children would not be here today.
    When I think of that it makes me sad but it also motivates me. You see, we don't have to just take what man tells us as the route for our lives. I could have easily gave up, but I chose to stand. My desire was to live. But as the scripture stated, I first had to delight in Him. Every since I have figured out this formula, I have been unstoppable. They say if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. Well I stand on this Word. As I continue to delight in Him, God will continue to give me the desires of my heart. You see, His Word cannot return to Him void and it must do that which He sent it to do (Isaiah 55:11). I trust God because He's been there for me in the past. I had to try Him and He came through. So now I am much more than a believer in Him. Many times doctors have been proven wrong when it came to me. I've been told that I would lose my foot, my husband has been told that there was nothing else that they could do for me and other things. But I continue to delight and for the rest of my days I'll still do the same. They say if it's not broke, don't fix it. Well this is still working just fine for me. So I think I'll stay put for a little while longer. :)
Unapologetic is me, L.

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