Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

    It is so mind blowing to me how people can be so wreckless with their words and expect there to be no consequences. People take on this "This is who I am" stance and just expect for others to accept them being nasty and disrespectful and then want others to respect them. No, that's not how it works and not how I was taught, and a good majority of you reading this now, as a little bambino growing up. If you want respect, you have to give respect is what I was told. But in this decade that we live in now, people think it's okay to be disrespectful and rude and not have it reciprocated because "This is who I am". The whole "do as I say and not as I do" aspect is alive, walking, talking and breathing. And very sickening might I add while needing to be put to rest.
    What ever happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all"? Where did that go? Did it get buried with the Sweet Mama's and Big Daddy's from back in the day? I do think so. People have taken this whole "Keep it real" concept to another level and it's gotten ugly and very distasteful. We should teach our kids to speak their mind and take a stance for what they believe, but not to the point where they are being irrational, rude and dysfunctional like. I never want my kids to walk away from a situation where they leave a bad taste in people's mouths and nobody wants to deal with them. You need people to be prosperous and successful in this world. We have to learn to get our point across in way where others don't feel belittled or disregarded. Where we are standing up for ourselves but still empowering others to do and be better. The tongue is a powerful tool and it can either make or break a person. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to be responsible for breaking anybody. GOD would definitely not be pleased with that AT ALL.
    There is an old proverb that states that a word spoken in haste can not be taken back. We have to learn to think before we speak because once spoken, it's spoken. Words have the power to make people feel differing types of ways. And most of the time people will not forget how you made them feel. We need to spend more time building one another up as opposed to tearing one another down. But how can we build another up, when we are not properly built up ourselves? Some of us need to take a step back and realize this small but HUGE fact. That we are only projecting on others what is on the inside of us. Raggediness, filth and piss poor conditions that we try to cover up with makeup, full length weaves, stilettos and words filled with venom while trying to call it "Truth" and "Realness" when the true realness is that we are hurt, broken and in desperate need of repair and a serious self esteem boast.
    You see we have it truly twisted. You can't find true happiness in projecting your tongue venom on others. Making others to feel small so that you can feel tall and dressing it up, again, as "Truth". That's not how it works. If we took more time to work on bettering ourselves and allowing the Lord to heal our hurt, then we could find better use of our words and real joy in this world steered by satan to inflict pain, suffering and worthlessness at every turn. No longer can we feed into his plan to divide and conquer. But we must rise above and love without limits and beyond our boundaries. Not just others but ourselves as well and first and foremost. If you can't love yourself, you definitely can't love anyone else which is one of GOD's greatest commandments. To "love your neighbor as yourselves"..... remember. When you know better, you do better and that's the pool that I chose to swim in. 365, 24/7. :-)
Unapologetic is me, L.

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