Friday, January 19, 2018


Happy Friday y'all! Excuse my Southerness. Lol. I just wanted to talk to you this morning about how 99% of us continually talk about wanting better, doing better and being better. If you're perfect and part of the 1% then you know of someone who talks about wanting better, doing better and being better then. So take these tidbits to them. But what we fail to realize is that better begins solely with us. We have the power within us to create the life that we want but we, as humans, always fail to tap in because we can't tangibly see it and we constantly try to rationalize it. But everything in this world isn't tangible and can't be rationalized so stop it. Better requires walking in faith and stepping outside of your comfy box of mundane and repetitious normalcy. Believing in yourself that you can do it and you deserve it. Better, often times, require going in the opposite direction of what you've been doing for the last ump teen years of your life. Shoot, if it just fell from the sky, we'd all be better but that's not going to happen my friend so you have to be willing to do the work and you can. So let's talk about the work. It's not that hard actually. Start with writing down goals that you feel will help you to be the better you that you desire to be. Then add objectives to each goal. Then add realistic (because you know you lol) deadline dates to each objective. Then meet the deadlines one by one and you're well on your way to Better. You can do it. But the crazy thing is, once you start meeting one then another, it sort of becomes addictive. You become addicted to checking stuff off of your list and getting stuff done. Then before you know it BAM, better. But it starts by taking the first step. The hardest step is the first step I guarantee. It gets easier after that. Trust me, I know. If I can do this, you definitely can do it too and I'm rooting for you. You don't need a whole cheer squad behind you. All I needed was one person because waiting for a whole cheer squad was going to have me die waiting. But just take the first step. Better is waiting just for you. So start moving that that direction.  XOXO, L. 💜💜💜
#AliveandWorthy #Better #Motivation #Encouragement #Empowerment