Thursday, January 12, 2017

Loving Yourself Is Not An Option!

     "What kind of Pastor has all those piercings and tattoos?" ............ (insert blank stare)......... ME! And I LOVE it!!!
     So many people that I have run across, and my past self too, have moments (some that last way more than others) where they feel down or bad about themselves. Whether it stem from being put down so much by those around them or just never being built up in the area of them loving themself. Either way it go, we have to learn that loving ourself is not an option. I can admit that I was one who was not a lover of myself due to both of the reasons that I listed above. My mother did her best to try and build me up but she had her own struggles. And other kids at school were...... well they were kids and we know how kids can be. But as a 35 year old adult, I've gotten to a point where I have become so tired of allowing others people's opinions to dictate how I feel about me. And I hope that you have too.
     Listen up when I say this................. Are you listening? Loving you is not an option. Do you hear me. No one, except GOD, should love you more than you do. Now I'm not saying to be conceited. Conceit is not GOD like. But confidence is. The way that you love yourself is your teaching tool to others on how they should love you. And you should accept no less. If you don't love yourself, then people will give you the love that they think you deserve. And just a heads up, 95% of people will definetly undervalue and depreciate you. So do yourself a favor, love you. It's not an option.
Unapologetic is me, L.