Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Simple Joy of Purging

For some time now, I have been having this feeling of carrying around a great deal of unwanted, unneeded and unnecessary weight. So starting yesterday, I decided to start releasing some of the weight. I have been on a purge binge ever since I made up my mind that I wanted to free my mind, my spirit, my soul and my heart. And I started with Facebook. Facebook? You say. Yes Facebook. Let me tell you what I mean. We all are a people who take our phone with us EVERYWHERE we go. To work, to church, to the bathroom, to bed, our kids soccer game.... everywhere. And we are constantly looking at it checking to see who posted what on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The list just goes on and on. For some of us, checking our phone while driving has almost, if not has, caused us to get into fender benders.......
Well, I only use my Facebook and every so often Instagram. But the things that I run across are sometimes so vile, violent and downright cruel. People video taping things they deem funny but are often times humiliating to others and mean. Meme's constantly mocking others of their deformities or mental instabilities. It's just down right horrible. But the people that post these things that we see are the friends that we choose to hit that friend button to accept a sent friend invitation or that we decided to send a friend request too, I just am growing tired of it. I do love the Spiritual postings that tend to help me in my moments of downness, but you have to filter through the filth and cruelty to get to them. So, I decided to do some purging. Purging those "friends" that constantly post these post that go against everything that I believe in and stand for. And you know what, it actually felt good!!! In my Facebook purge, I went from 1,291 friends to 822! And I still have some ways to go!!!
"Eliminate what doesn't help you evolve". When I saw this post as I was browsing the internet, a lightbulb turned on for me. It just made so much sense to me!!! I am a Pastor, who is married, 34 years old and have 3 children. That alone is a great deal. I don't need added craziness and foolishness on my plate. So, I am releasing the weight, dead weight. By purging all the things in my life that is not adding to my life. I wanted to delete my whole facebook page, but realized that the social media is a huge way of reaching the masses in our area. it is a huge marketing tool so I somewhat have to keep it, but I can definitely cut back on what and who I interact with. Did I mention that it felt good? But this is only the beginning. I plan to purge my Facebook some more, my Instagram, my phone, my cable, my closet, my home, my office, everything. If purging my Facebook alone felt that good, I can only imagine how purging the rest of my life would feel. I have never been so excited to let people and things go. But to be honest, a great deal of that stuff we can absolutely live without. It takes so much of our attention away that we can not even focus on the things that truly matter in our life like our family, our jobs even GOD in a lot of instances. So this stuff has definitely got to go for me. So my question to you is will you join me in purging? Will you join me in simplifying life and bringing our attention and focus back to those things that truly matter? I hope you will. Just start with Facebook. If you can delete it all together, go for it. But make a list of things that you can do without, or decrease drastically in numbers. Let's bring our focus and attention back where it needs to be. Okay? Okay. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. :) 
Unapologetic is me, L.