Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Love Yourself

Self love is important! Self love is defined as regard for one's own well-being and happiness.
What this world needs is more people that are willing to love themselves more and in a much healthier way. Here are 4 things to implement in your life to help you to be on your way to doing just that:

1. Overcome negative beliefs that you've picked up over the years about yourself. 
2. Avoid perfectionism because it is impossible. 
3. Get rid of that negative filter/view of life and yourself. 
4. NEVER call yourself names that do not represent love, peace and joy.

If you do these four things, you are well on your way to loving yourself. You deserve the love that you pour into everybody else. Give yourself that. If you are already doing these things, then bravo to you. Share them with your friends and loved ones. 💜💜💜

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Conquering Numbers VLog

Let's continue on this journey y'all! Catch the newest Vlog on this quest to say yes. Let's talk about conquering this fear of numbers. One particular fear to be exact. Click the linki below to watch! Subscribe, Thumbs Up, Comment and Share!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My Quest To Say Yes Vlog!

I am on a journey to say yes to the things that scare me in life and that I usually say no to. Fear is paralyzing us as a people and we have to live unfearful or we will stay stuck going no where. I refuse to be stuck, so moving forward I am saying YES to the things that I would usually say no to in order to break the stronghold and loosen the chains. Will you join me?...............
Click the link below to watch! Subscribe, Thumbs Up, Comment and Share!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Things Will Work In My Favor 💜💜💜

     This morning, as I watched a video of a young man singing these very words out of trying to pull himself out of a depressing place (a pit) because he woke up feeling like he wasn't doing his part to add value to this world, I sat and thought "How many of us are actually in this same place but suffering and crying out in silence?" How many of us have sat and cried because we felt, or feel, that we just didn't have what it takes to be a contributor to society? How many people have taken their own lives because they felt worthless, useless and that the world would be a better place without them? Well I just want to encourage you this morning that " THINGS WILL WORK IN YOUR FAVOR. YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE". Life is everything that we make it. It is up when we are up. It is down when we are down. But we have to continue to believe that GOD is moving on our behalf and that He is working it out just for us at all times. You are never useless. You are never worthless. You are never not necessary. You add plenty value to this world and this world would not be a better place if you weren't in it. Whatever situation you may be facing at this moment, don't turn your back to it and run. Face it and tell it with power in your voice and heart that "THINGS WILL WORK IN MY FAVOR! I BELIEVE IT!" GOD bless this young man and every one who may be having a moment where we have to pull ourselves out of the pit that we've placed ourselves in. But please remember, it is a moment and moment's pass. Do not make permanent decisions based off of temporary feelings. This too shall pass. It has to. Have a GREAT and favor working day today. Just believe. 💜
Do you or another woman you know of have an #AMAZING accomplishment that the world should be celebrating? Maybe they #Graduated? Wrote a #book? Gave #birth? A #birthday? Started or run a #business? Received a #promotion? Got #engaged or #married? Etc. Let #AliveAndWorthy know! Inbox us a photo of the individual along with their accomplishment and let us celebrate them along with you because that's what we do! 💜💜💜
#CelebratingWomen #CelebratingLife  #Empowerment #Encouragement #Enlightenment #Motivation #Support #SupportingWomen #GirlPower

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I'll Clap For Me

Too many times we are looking around to see who is clapping for us because we feel that need to be validated by others. Then when we notice the two or three that isn't clapping, we get down and out negating the 20 or 30 that are. Why? 2 reasons.
1.)  Because no matter how much positivity is in the room, negativity always seem to drown out the noise positivity makes.
2.) We are inherently trained to focus on the negativity.
My question is, what would happen if we began to clap like a crazy woman for ourselves? I'll tell you what would happen. If we become so enamored with clapping for ourselves, we wouldn't care or have to time to look around to see who else is or is not clapping. It wouldn't even matter because clapping would keep your head in a forward position and it's hard to look around while doing it. Try it. Began clapping like crazy for yourself and see how hard it is to look around at the same time without falling, stumbling or hurting your neck. Start today being your own cheerleader. Tooting your own horn. Patting yourself on the back. Clapping for your darn self because no one will support you like you will. But the crazy thing is, when people see you clapping and cheering for yourself, they will begin to jump on board with you. But start a clap epidemic for yourself and be unapologetic about it. You deserve to be celebrated but it starts and ends with you. And if you're the only one at your celebration, at least you won't have to worry about nobody coming in and bringing your mood down. 💜💜💜 L.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Happy Friday y'all! Excuse my Southerness. Lol. I just wanted to talk to you this morning about how 99% of us continually talk about wanting better, doing better and being better. If you're perfect and part of the 1% then you know of someone who talks about wanting better, doing better and being better then. So take these tidbits to them. But what we fail to realize is that better begins solely with us. We have the power within us to create the life that we want but we, as humans, always fail to tap in because we can't tangibly see it and we constantly try to rationalize it. But everything in this world isn't tangible and can't be rationalized so stop it. Better requires walking in faith and stepping outside of your comfy box of mundane and repetitious normalcy. Believing in yourself that you can do it and you deserve it. Better, often times, require going in the opposite direction of what you've been doing for the last ump teen years of your life. Shoot, if it just fell from the sky, we'd all be better but that's not going to happen my friend so you have to be willing to do the work and you can. So let's talk about the work. It's not that hard actually. Start with writing down goals that you feel will help you to be the better you that you desire to be. Then add objectives to each goal. Then add realistic (because you know you lol) deadline dates to each objective. Then meet the deadlines one by one and you're well on your way to Better. You can do it. But the crazy thing is, once you start meeting one then another, it sort of becomes addictive. You become addicted to checking stuff off of your list and getting stuff done. Then before you know it BAM, better. But it starts by taking the first step. The hardest step is the first step I guarantee. It gets easier after that. Trust me, I know. If I can do this, you definitely can do it too and I'm rooting for you. You don't need a whole cheer squad behind you. All I needed was one person because waiting for a whole cheer squad was going to have me die waiting. But just take the first step. Better is waiting just for you. So start moving that that direction.  XOXO, L. 💜💜💜
#AliveandWorthy #Better #Motivation #Encouragement #Empowerment